This ADU was originally planned to house family but when the owner’s mom decided she was not yet ready to move in it became a community building opportunity. Pacifica is a beautiful place with a big draw for surfers and anyone wishing to live close to the sea. Coastal communities throughout California have been hardest hit by the affordable housing shortage and this naturally affordable ADU is helping make that possible a reality for people who work in the community.
This ADU has a unique layout holding the length of the building close to the 4’ side setback. By making it perpendicular and holding it off to the side of the main house they provided privacy and created distant views out the front of the ADU and back of their home. This also allowed them to maintain a large yard for their garden and a place for the kids to play. The open yard, patio and deck make for a great gathering spot on nights and weekends for this wonderful Pacifica home.